Friday, May 27, 2016

"All disease begins in the gut." -Hippocrates

    Did you know 80% of your immune system is in your gut? It is also estimated that 90% of serotonin is made in the gut! Your gut health could be affecting many things you don't even know about! Your gut health could be effected by so many things as well! Antibiotics, certain foods you eat, SUGAR, certain birth control, NSAIDS, chronic stress, industrial seed oils, and chronic infections just to name a few! 

   Months after being home from the hospital I went to see the doctor again. I was still on zoloft at this time. I wanted to talk to her about how I gained weight so rapidly. How I wasn't losing weight.How I had hot flashes as well. She basically told me I need to eat a bunch of small meals a day and prescribed me Prozac instead of zoloft. Why is it necessary to prescribe me an antidepressant? I wasn't gaining weight cause I was depressed.I took the prozac for about a week and just decided to stop taking antidepressants. This doctor did not help me at all. Oh she also sent me to a therapist. I WAS depressed a little from what I had gone through and talking about it probably was a good idea, but this wasn't the fix all. I saw the therapist one time and stopped going to that as well. I find it easier to be more honest with myself than to other people. I had already caught myself spacing out when she talked and telling little white lies, because I didn't wanna talk about something. How did that fix my hot flashes? My weight? My self esteem? It didn't so I decided to do it on my own.

I started researching my tummy issues I was having. I came across a lot of stuff about your gut health, and how having candida overgrowth could cause a lot of the symptoms I was having. I decided to buy a probiotic from walmart, because of this.I knew in my heart this HAD to be causing so much of the issues I had been having. Shortly after that I was told about a company that had a line of supplements that were for gut health!! I felt like this came at an amazing time for me. Had it come before I had did my research about gut health I probably would have ignored it and figured it was some kind of scam. However, this came at a time that I had decided my gut health had to be the reason I was feeling so crappy. I did my research on the products and felt like they would actually help! So I jumped on board right away!! It's been about 3 months now and it has been amazing!! The bloating, stomach cramps, indigestion, etc. I was experiencing after eating has gone away! I no longer feel sick when I eat. and that is a HUGE plus for me, because that was the main thing bothering me. I learned that antibiotics kill not only the bad bacteria but the good bacteria as well. After being on IV antibiotics for a week plus being on them again when I went home. Plus just having a c-section in general I learned my gut was most likely filled with bad bacteria and candida overgrowth. The probiotic I started taking is the best you can find! Not only does it have good bacteria but it has enzymes and an antifungal!! That is exactly what I needed to attack this problem!! It was cheaper than walmart brands, had more in the bottle, AND had more in it than just a probiotic! It not only puts good bacteria in your gut, but also starts getting rid of any candida overgrowth you may have! The other product that works with this then helps flush out all the bad stuff its killing and getting rid of! It oxygenates the body and arteries and is a magnesium supplement! I don't mean flushes by giving you diahhrea either! I know a lot of "cleanses" can cause you to have horrible diahhrea. This isn't like that! 

Here is a good test to see if you may have candida overgrowth! 

Anyways, I finally have energy now as well!! I get stuff done during the day instead of sleeping all day!! My menstrual cycle has become regulated(it was irregular since the baby). Also, I have lost inches as well! These products have been life changing for me so far and I love it!! Once I know my insides are healthy my main focus will be my weight. So join me on this journey to better health and happiness! 

My main goals right now are to:
1. Get healthy and BE HAPPY
2. Get my hormones in check. (I believe I have a hormonal imbalance as well due to the hot flashes I continue to get)
3. Drink half my water weight in oz. everyday
4. Lose weight!!

I could lie to you and say it's easy and it all will fix itself right away, but you have to actually want it. You have to put in the effort and the work. Until YOU decide you are ready to be happy and healthy it won't work for you! This came to me at a time where I finally decided I needed to make a change. It's been almost a year now and I am FINALLY getting the old me back! Except a better version of the old me, because I am much healthier now then I was! If you want an easy fix than what I am talking about isn't for you. You have to change your entire mindset! Trust me I know it is hard to find any motivation to do anything! I even went to a therapist who told me the thing I lacked most was motivation for myself. My daughter I had motivation to do everything for her, but for me I just didn't care. I realize now though to care about my happiness and health is to care about her too that way I can teach her how to be as well as a role model!

If you have any of these symptoms you might want to think about where your gut health is at!

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